We don’t just sell websites.

We create websites that SELL.

A well-developed website can help you form a good impression on your prospective customers. It can also help you nurture your leads and get more conversions. But, more importantly, it provides good user experience and helps your website visitors access and navigate your website with ease.

All you have is 15 minutes.

If only given 15 minutes to consume content, 66% of people would prefer to see something beautifully designed versus something plain and simple.


When your audience visits your website, it gives them their first impression of your business. They will judge your business within seconds. In these first few seconds, you want to make a positive impact on your audience. If your website looks unappealing or outdated, your audience will immediately have a negative impression of your business. You’ll miss out on leads because they’ll leave your page for a competitor’s page.


If they see your poor design or the information looks outdated, they won’t trust your site. They may view your site as seedy or shady because you don’t have an updated web design. Think about a person looking to place a bulk order with a manufacturing company. They’re spending a tremendous amount of money, which means if your manufacturing website design doesn’t convey trust, they’ll find another business to fulfill their order.


When you’re trying to get new leads for your business, you want to build up your brand. You want your audience to get familiar with your brand, so they choose you when they’re ready to convert. Online web designs are important because they help create consistency across your page. You need to have the same fonts, styles, and layouts across every page on your website. It’s more challenging to build brand recognition because your audience won’t know which colors to associate with your brand.


1. Get a consultation with us and we’ll provide an analysis of your current website and how it impacts your current sales.

2. We’ll develop your website and keep you updated on milestones along the way.

3. Grow your sales with a new website.


We provide an in-depth analysis into all the front-facing aspects of your business, from UX to communications. Our team’s collective background in business extends to the fields of marketing and client relations. We use this knowledge to help your business stay relevant and competitive in the ever-fluctuating digital landscape by providing personalized strategies, customized tools, web development, and features which are designed specifically with your audience in mind.


These partners, and more, trust Emagin Technology to solve their business problems with IT solutions.

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Tell us about your website needs.


In a nutshell, tell us about your project and goals.